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Adsterra: How it works? Everything you need to know!

Adsterra is a global advertising network that connects advertisers and publishers to drive business growth. Founded in 2013, the platform stands out for offering innovative and efficient solutions for monetizing websites and blogs, as well as advertising campaigns aimed at different market niches.

Adsterra for publishers:

Monetization of websites and blogs: Adsterra offers different ad formats to be integrated into websites and blogs, such as display banners, pop-unders, in-feeds and mobile ads. The platform is known for its high eCPMs (cost per thousand impressions) and variety of payment options, including weekly payments.

Detailed reporting: Adsterra provides comprehensive reporting on ad performance, allowing publishers to track metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and revenue.

Dedicated support: The platform offers 24/7 customer support in multiple languages to assist publishers with their queries and needs.

Adsterra for advertisers:

Targeted campaigns: Adsterra allows advertisers to create campaigns segmented by various criteria, such as country, device, language, interest and demographics, ensuring that their ads are shown to the right audience.

Variety of ad formats: The platform offers a variety of ad formats to meet the different needs of advertisers, including display banners, pop-unders, in-feeds, mobile ads and video ads.

Campaign Optimization: Adsterra offers campaign optimization tools to help advertisers improve their ad performance and achieve their marketing objectives.

Main advantages of Adsterra:

High eCPMs: Adsterra is known for offering competitive eCPMs for publishers, which means publishers can potentially generate high revenue from their websites and blogs.

Fast payment: The platform offers weekly payments to publishers, ensuring they receive their income quickly.

Variety of ad formats: Adsterra offers a wide variety of ad formats to meet the needs of publishers and advertisers.

Advanced targeting: The platform allows advertisers to create campaigns segmented by different criteria, ensuring that their ads are shown to the right audience.

Dedicated support: Adsterra offers 24/7 customer support in multiple languages.


Adsterra is a reliable and efficient advertising platform that offers several advantages for publishers and advertisers. If you’re looking for a way to monetize your website or blog or want to create targeted advertising campaigns, Adsterra is a great option to consider.

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